Requirements of Working to a Client Brief
Different Types of Briefs There are all different types of briefs these include a contract brief, negation brief, formal/informal brief, cooperative brief and competition brief. About each brief Contact Brief A contact brief is where a media company is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to a specific guidelines that the company needs to follow. To negotiate the brief with the client and the company they must meet and talk about how the client wants the brief to be accomplished and how the company wants to give their ideas about how this can be accomplished. The planning to this brief is that you need to make sure that you are working to what the client wants. The importance of the budgeting for this type of brief is that you have to think about how you will pay the company and also to pay for anywhere that you would like to film and get the permission that you need to shoot somewhere. Advantages/ Disadvantages A...